In the rapidly evolving landscape of the gaming industry, the saga surrounding Humble Games serves as a striking example of unexpected corporate maneuvers and their impacts. Like an Animal Crossing …
Game Developers Switching Lanes: The Unity Engine Exodus
Unity, a prominent game engine, has undeniably left an indelible mark on the gaming industry, offering a slew of advantages that have made it a preferred choice for developers worldwide. …
From Plug In To Paid DLC, the Progression of Additive Content
Around 2001, there was a great, albeit buggy 2d Game Engine for the Mac OS before Apple announced their new OS X operating system, called The Coldstone Game Engine. Packaged …
Theory: A New Game Input Generation Realized
During a conversation with a tech friend of mine the other day, the topic came up as it often does about gaming as a whole and the changes, some of …