Podcast Miniseries Announcement

In Marketing, News, Podcast by miktekstudios

For those of you who know about the Staffing & Recruiting Podcast Miniseries recently — know I am not immune either.

Recently was invited to connect with a well regarded recruiter for potential job connection / employment — No Response.

A Hello and warm welcome on LinkedIn / invite to connect — No Response.

My referral assured me the recruiter would be in contact and suggests a phonecall directly.

Sure! I call the recruiter and get a voicemail, leave another invite and hello!.. No Response.

Getting an email started jumpstarted conversation by my referral was very helpful, however, the scheduled phonecall at 9:30 between the recruiter — you guessed it — never happened.

This is exactly why I started this miniseries. Conversation from both sides. Open, honest communication while being lighthearted and humorous as these topics can really exposes what holds us back and fears when connecting with one another.

Tune in for new episodes every week, feel free to connect up or send an email with your questions. Lets see how I can help bridge the gap between getting your voice, story and talent is, to where is should be.

Like, Sub, Share, Reach out, just do something. Be heard.

Except whine. There is simply not enough cheese for that.